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British Columbia PNP

British Columbia PNP

BC Entrepreneur Immigration categories are as follows:
  • Entrepreneur Immigration: This category is for senior managers or business owners who intend to invest funds into a proposed business in British Columbia.
    Requirements: $600,000 CAD net worth, 3 years experience being a business owner/manager, invest $200,000 & create at least 1 full time job for Canadian citizens or PR.
  • Entrepreneur Regional Pilot Immigration: This new pilot is for international entrepreneurs looking to establish a new business in a small community in British Columbia.
    Requirements: $100,000 investment, personal net worth of $300,000, have minimum 51% ownership & create 1 full time job in the local community. The business must be located in a community in BC with a population less than 75,000
  • Strategic Projects Category: The foreign-controlled companies can set up an operation in British Columbia. Up to five key foreign managerial, professional, or technical staff members can be nominated for permanent residence in the province.

Canadian immigration comprises of various programs. Contact us today for full details about how we can work with you based on your profile. We are glad to discuss your immigration-related questions or queries.
The best way to start is to have a free initial consultation. Contact us via the details below or send us your details.

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