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International Graduate Stream

International Graduate Stream

Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) launched six new immigration streams for more than 90,000 essential workers already in Canada, primarily those working in hospitals and long-term care homes, other essential services, and international graduates. Those seeking permanent residence will be able to apply to start May 6 for the streams, three of which are aimed at French-speaking candidates. Ottawa will keep accepting applications until Nov. 5 or until the maximum number of applications is reached.
IRCC will accept 40,000 applications for international students who graduated from a Canadian institution.
Applicants who are applying under the temporary foreign worker streams need to have at least one year of Canadian work experience in a healthcare sector or other pre-approved essential occupation. The graduates need to have completed their studies at a Canadian college or university within the last four years.

Eligibility Requirements (Graduation and Eligible Programs)
  • Complete before applying and no earlier than January 2017, a program of study at one of the following Designated Learning Institutions (DLIs):
    • Public post-secondary institution, such as a college, trade/technical school, university, or in Quebec CEGEP.
    •  Canadian private institution authorized by provincial statute to confer degrees under provincial law but only if the program of study completed was a degree as authorized by the province, which may not include all programs of study offered.
    •  Private post-secondary school in Quebec that operates under the same rules and regulations as public institutions in Quebec.
    • Private or public post-secondary institutions in Quebec offering qualifying programs of 900 hours or longer leading to a diploma of vocational studies (DVS) or an attestation of vocational specialization (AVS).
  • Hold one of the following credentials from an eligible institution:
  • Degree (Associate, Bachelor’s, Master’s, or Doctorate) from a program of at least 8 months in duration.
  •  a degree, diploma, certificate, or attestation issued following the completion of a program of any duration leading to occupation in a skilled trade (See Annex A for the full list):
    • Major Group 72: Industrial, electrical, and construction trades
    •  Major Group 73: Maintenance and equipment operation trades
    • Major Group 82: Supervisors and technical occupations in natural resources, agriculture, and related production
    • Major Group 92: Processing, manufacturing, and utility supervisors and central control operators
    • Minor Group 632: Chefs and cooks
    • Minor Group 633: Butchers and bakers
  •  Degree, diploma, certificate, or attestation issued on completion of a program of any duration leading to occupation in a skilled trade (see list below).
  • One or more diploma/certificate/attestation where the following conditions are met:
    • For diplomas/certificates/attestations, each program of study must be at least 8 months in duration and the combined length at least 16 months in duration.
    • For the DVS and AVS, each program must be at least 900 hours in duration and the combined programs must be at least 1,800 hours in duration.
    • When combining one AVS with one DVS, the length of the AVS may be less than 900 hours if the combined length is at least 1,800 hours.
  • Be employed in Canada with valid status at the time of application.
  • Language ability of at least benchmark 5 in English or French in each of the four language disciplines as set out in the Canadian Language Benchmarks.
  •  Live in Canada with valid temporary status be physically present at the time of application.
  • Intend to reside outside Quebec.

Canadian immigration comprises of various programs. Contact us today for full details about how we can work with you based on your profile. We are glad to discuss your immigration-related questions or queries.
The best way to start is to have a free initial consultation. Contact us via the details below or send us your details.

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