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Orphaned Relative Sponsorship

Orphaned Relative Sponsorship

Orphaned Relative Sponsorship

Orphaned relatives may be sponsored provided that they are under 18 years of age, unmarried and not in a common-law relationship and are the sponsors brother or sister, nephew or niece or grandchild. In all cases of orphaned relatives, officers must request written consent of the appropriate authorities in the country of residence of the child, before the child may be removed from that country.  Written consent of any legal guardians must also be obtained.
A permanent resident visa cannot be issued to a child as a member of the family class if that child is the adopted child of the sponsor or an orphaned brother, sister, nephew or niece of the sponsor as described earlier in this guide unless the adoptive parents/the sponsor demonstrate they have obtained information concerning the medical condition of the child. In doing so, the government ensures that the child’s best interests are protected. If you are a child who was adopted by the sponsor, whom the sponsor intends to adopt in Canada, or who is the sponsor’s orphaned brother, sister, nephew or niece, the sponsor must complete and submit a Medical Condition Statement if he or she has not already done so with his or her sponsorship application.

Who can be sponsored as orphaned relatives?
  • brothers or sisters,
  • nephews or nieces,
  • granddaughters or grandsons who are orphaned,
  • the orphaned relative shall be under 18 years of age and not married or in a common-law relationship
    When an application is received from an orphaned relative, the visa office must:
  • verify that the child is an orphan, under 18 years of age on the date CPC-M received the application including correct and complete cost recovery (processing) fees, is unmarried and not a common-law partner, and is related to the sponsor;
  •  issue medical instructions.
  •  have declared bankruptcy and have not been released from it yet.

Refusal of Application
If the application has been refused, the sponsor in Canada can file an appeal at the Immigration Appeal Division.

Canadian immigration comprises of various programs. Contact us today for full details about how we can work with you based on your profile. We are glad to discuss your immigration-related questions or queries.
The best way to start is to have a free initial consultation. Contact us via the details below or send us your details.

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