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PR Card Replacement Or Renewal

PR Card Replacement Or Renewal

The Permanent Resident card (also known as a PR Card) is issued by Citizenship and Immigration Canada to be used as a valid identity document for persons travelling abroad and returning to Canada by car, bus, airline or any other means of transportation. Therefore, it is important to have a valid PR card in order to be allowed to enter Canada.
Your PR card needs to be valid when you show it. If your card expires, you will have to apply to renew. Luckily if your PR card is damaged or stolen, it’s the same process to replace your PR Card. If your PR Card is expired, you are still considered a permanent resident but it is vital to renew as soon as possible!

To keep your permanent resident status, you must have been in Canada for at least 730 days during the last five years which doesn’t need to be continuous.
New permanent residents don’t need to apply for a permanent resident card (PR card). To be eligible for a PR card, you need to be a permanent resident and submit your application in Canada. You should only apply for a PR card if:

  • your card has expired or will expire in less than 9 months
  • your card is lost, stolen, or destroyed
  • you didn’t receive your card within 180 days of immigrating to Canada
  • you need to update your card to, legally change your name, change your citizenship, change your gender designation, correct your date of birth

Generally speaking, the process to renew a PR may take a few weeks. It is therefore advisable that you renew your card well in advance of the expiry, especially if you expect to travel outside of Canada. CIC recommends that you file an application for renewal two months prior to expiry.
Whether your situation is urgent or not, getting a PR card renewed is vital. The process needs to be done correctly, or you risk the consequences of not being able to enter Canada. Legal assistance for renewing a PR card is important to ensure that you aren’t missing any details or providing incorrect information unintentionally.

Canadian immigration comprises of various programs. Contact us today for full details about how we can work with you based on your profile. We are glad to discuss your immigration-related questions or queries.
The best way to start is to have a free initial consultation. Contact us via the details below or send us your details.

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