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File Review And Counseling

File Review And Counseling

Our file review and consultation service have been designed for confident consumers who are highly adept at interpreting government forms and wish to do the majority of work on their own but don’t want to take any unnecessary chances. We review the work you have done with a fine-tooth comb during your visit to our offices or electronically, looking for errors and omissions that will cause delays (and potentially get the file referred for an interview, adding considerably to the processing time) and providing you with direction to speed the application through to a positive assessment.

Although we do not encourage people who are not experts or trained in this area due to the complexity of this type of work and what is at stake, we know that some will choose this path. With this in mind, we can offer another layer of protection, where we will work with you to both counsel and review your file to ensure that you will at the very least have a chance to avoid any costly mistakes by having a professional go through your file before it is submitted.

We offer file review and consultation services include:

  •  A review with recommendations for how you should proceed with your file.
  • Counseling on the process and what you should expect at different stages.
  • Review your forms and documentation and give recommendations.
  •  Prepare you for the process and the upcoming interactions with the government.

This ensures that you will have the file evaluated and hopefully we will save you from costly delays and possible refusals.

Canadian immigration comprises of various programs. Contact us today for full details about how we can work with you based on your profile. We are glad to discuss your immigration-related questions or queries.
The best way to start is to have a free initial consultation. Contact us via the details below or send us your details.

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